Forum Activity for @ceri-shaw

Ceri Shaw
11/10/17 12:59:52AM
568 posts

milk and honey - by Molly Seaman

West Coast Eisteddfod Online Poetry Competition 2017

i am licking lemon custard off your cheekbones

and you are telling me about rupi kaur,

about how she changed your life,

and i am thinking

about lemon custard

and milk and honey

and how she changed nothing

but your Instagram feed.


feminist poetry

is like breakfast for dinner.

two good things at once

doesn’t always double the good,

sometimes makes your stomach queasy

‘cause its seasoned with guilt.

buttery, mapley, patriarchal, millennial guilt.


the custard’s wiped clean

and i have never been this starved for words

so i am venturing toward your lips,

but you turn your head

and breathe out poetry

decorated with words so hollow

i could string them onto thread,

into a plastic necklace.


my hunger shakes my bones.





to hell with form, convention, critics, centuries of applicability.

to hell with Shakespeare.

updated by @ceri-shaw: 11/24/19 06:16:51PM
Ceri Shaw
11/10/17 12:58:40AM
568 posts

vaginismus - by Molly Seaman

West Coast Eisteddfod Online Poetry Competition 2017

i have no entryway for you.

sex explodes inside of me

and i have no way to let it out,

have no way to let you in,

so i lie on pillows

while an entire milky way of desire

crams itself inside my vagina.


i think it leaves star by star.

they tumble out of my throat like diamonds,

those stars,

and then they wrap around you,

dissolve into your skin,

words like

like “ouch” and “no” and “sorry.”

sometimes they string together, form constellations like

“that can’t be right” and “keep trying” and “i swear i want this” and “maybe if i’m on top.”


we try until my vagina is empty

and i am deflated

and your arms are tired

and the sheets are even cleaner

than they were before i decided to be disappointed


updated by @ceri-shaw: 11/24/19 06:16:51PM
Ceri Shaw
11/10/17 12:57:10AM
568 posts

In response to César Vallejo’s “Piedra negra sobre una piedra blanca:” - by Molly Seaman

West Coast Eisteddfod Online Poetry Competition 2017

I will die

laced with pastel

and breathing it too,

50’s, nonpareil-laced traces of what could have been more,

shoulda-coulda-woulda pounding as my heartbeat,

singing duets with the savage bones in my body

(bones I cannot change,

bones I never could have changed,

bones still in their sockets,

bones never broken).


I will shrivel into you, I know,

and when you sing my threnody

I will still be hiding there.

I will fill the space in your stomach

and you’ll never feel without me,

without anything.

You will never be hungry



Pacify your anger, my dear.

There’s nothing to be mad about;

I know what I’ve said no to.

I know what opportunities I’ve hurled at sunsets

because there was a fire in my gut,

a fire I didn’t need.

It’s always already there, hanging in the sky.


There’s no empathy for you to feel, my love.

Kiss me one more time.


Now, listen.

Life isn’t meant to be resolved.

I know that now.

Ceri Shaw
11/10/17 12:55:01AM
568 posts

for every boyfriend I’ve ever had - by Molly Seaman

West Coast Eisteddfod Online Poetry Competition 2017

My dear, when you wake next to me

your words leave you like flower petals.

You’d be embarrassed if you knew.

So soft. So feminine.


Your words leave you like flower petals

and fall onto my bare chest.

So soft. So feminine.

Too soft and too feminine, I know, for 2pm.


You curl into me, your forehead on my bare chest,

and kiss the space between my breasts.

I lie there, hoping I am soft and feminine enough,

and try not to breathe too much.


I keep the space between my breasts hollow inside

so I have somewhere to cram the words I don’t say to you.

If I breathe too much,

I inhale the I-love-yous that fall out of you in your sleep.


The words I don’t say to you

are hidden in my ribcage,

your I-love-yous and so much more—

everything I’m saying when I breathe between sentences.


Sometimes I feel like I am hidden in my ribcage

once I leave your bed in the morning

and begin to swallow the sentences I was keeping under my tongue,

sentences, confessions, problems I’m not supposed to make in daytime.


Once I leave your bed in the morning

I wait until tomorrow for more of your flower petals,

sentences, confessions, problems, you’re not supposed to make in daytime.

Oh, my dear. The things you say when you wake next to me.

Ceri Shaw
10/27/17 06:16:20PM
568 posts

Boys of War by Presley Forrest

West Coast Eisteddfod Online Poetry Competition 2017

From: Son Of History

We are soldiers donned in blue and gray,

Silhouettes etched by carving sun.

We are born in light and pass in darkness.

Blood within my veins flows as it did before,

But I don’t feel it anymore.


Everyone is formed with flowers inside them,

Vines that twist around their hearts,

And in the army we cut our stems,

The roses wilt inside our chests.

Nightmares of bullets have passed,

There is not sensation within my breast.


Fingers curl at the dirt beneath,

As we lay between chaos and a dream.

The sky begins to swallow our souls,

I stare at the only colors I’ll ever know.

Death takes many men who fight blood crafts,

We take last breaths with spoiled spirits

And numb bones destined to weep.


You eventually forget what you are fighting for,

You only have shame, and shame and shame.

No matter how luminous you can shine,

How the flames look across your skin,

You’ll end up charred, obscure and burnt.


The meadow sang out in fading smoke and bullet ash,

Butterflies within my stomach turn to wasps.

I am not the only one,

The only being,

The only boy,

Who seeks meaning in their last sunset.


In my last collection of memories,

I yearned for silence.

For gunfire to cease and the dust of war to resist.

I lay atop a lonely hill,

With blood on my hands

and fabric of the skies still reflecting in my eyes.

There is no beauty here,

Tongues do not discover words they wish to speak.


Come to me,

Battles stole my soul,

I am where the flowers are.

Come to me,

I know the art of war,

I live among a garden now.

Come to me,

Where petals scatter across my body.

Come to me,

You’ll witness the dirt in my nails,

As I scratched myself from fate.

Come to me,

I dreamt only of home,

In these,

My last moments of hope.


I am gone for an eternity.


Come to me,


for this is war.

updated by @ceri-shaw: 11/24/19 06:16:51PM
Ceri Shaw
10/19/17 01:41:08AM
568 posts

Golden Girl by Sandip Saha

West Coast Eisteddfod Online Poetry Competition 2017

I saw her while walking

On the street of New York,

The crowd was on the move,

But her face got engraved

In my mind forever.

She also looked at me

Perhaps seeing me as a foreigner,

Turned her face away immediately.


In the tide of time everything perishes;

After so many years those curly

Silky hair, some of them caressing

Her cheeks, wide open eyes,

Soft looking face,

Soothing skin, bright white complexion

Still remain as fresh as ever in my mind.


My mind flies as a white pigeon,

Goes to her house, sits on her window,

Sees her sleeping on her bed

Covering herself with a bright blanket

Keeping her face out of it.

She wakes up at the flapping of the wings

Of the snow white pigeon.


She senses the pleasure of a message,

Catches the bird that seems

To be happy to get caught by her.

She kisses the bird

With honey touch of her pink lips

As if she is whispering ‘how are you’?

updated by @ceri-shaw: 11/24/19 06:16:51PM
Ceri Shaw
10/19/17 01:39:22AM
568 posts

Ugly Evil by Sandip Saha

West Coast Eisteddfod Online Poetry Competition 2017

I encountered your two faces

One male monster and

The other ferocious female

Two sides of the same coin

You exhibit your evil existence

Make this creation cruel colossal

Hell that we as human always suffer

Struggle to face your onslaught

Without any weapon with us

Endure pain with tears.


When you kidnap women rape them

Pierce rod in to their private parts

Leaving them bleeding profusely

At a remote location and they die

When you kill women and children

In the name of freedom fighting

Entering their homes with AK 47 rifles

Since they do not belong to your religion

When you bulldoze honest people by power

And steal the fruits of their glittering talent

Make them cry in agony with ruined lives

You are that heinous monster on this earth.


When you look so beautiful from outside

Enjoy all luxury provided by the able elder

Of a joint family as your husband is inefficient

You silently sabotage his glory by treachery

When you take the help of glamour of your body

Flirt to please your boss to climb in career

Lose your chastity like a bitch

And cheat your husband

When you become like a wild wolf

Do not do any duty of your family

Try to rule over others by temper and crookedness

You are that ferocious female ruining everything.

Ceri Shaw
10/19/17 01:37:13AM
568 posts

Beetle by Sandip Saha

West Coast Eisteddfod Online Poetry Competition 2017

Tropical noon

The sun is at the top of sky

A sweet silence makes me absent

My mind floats in the golden sunshine

The cottage gives me the relief

Nobody is around.

My parents are busy in farming

Right below the burning sun’s

Scorching heat in the field

They are bound to work for livelihood.


Suddenly a buzzing sound

Brings me back from my dream

Some people daydream with open eyes

A beetle enters my room to give me company

It goes on telling me so many things

Flying around me perhaps

It wants to make me friend keenly.


I like its friendship

So innocent singing song of life

Asking me why I sit alone?

It says about its loneliness as its partner

Has deserted and gone with another beetle.


I find a great philosophy in its singing

That gives me solace.

If I am alone with nobody around

That is the real truth.

The beetle teaches me a lesson-

If I can really accept that

None bothers for me

Just as my poems are kicked

Like a football by one journal to other

My existence as poet itself disappears,

If there is no existence there is no pain either.

Ceri Shaw
10/19/17 01:35:27AM
568 posts

War for water by Sandip Saha

West Coast Eisteddfod Online Poetry Competition 2017

You form my body

Seventy percent of it

But day by day

You are becoming so scarce

I fail to understand why

The saline seas surround

Thirsty throats

Grasping for a fresh drop

But salt has poisoned it

What was the need?

Rivers are drying

Glaciers are retreating

War for water is on

Among neighboring countries

To take lion share of river water

To quench thirst of their

Ever growing population

Engaged in tall talk

To justify their multiple children

Most of which are burden

To the society

As they are jobless

Idle guys and gals grow as brutes

Rape women or lure as porn stars

Become terrorists

Being assured of easy money

By their hot headed handlers

In exchange of being killed

As suicide attackers and

Kill innocent people simultaneously.

You bear bacteria in your body

Cause cholera and other diseases

In one hand you give life

In another you kill the same.

Ceri Shaw
10/19/17 01:33:13AM
568 posts

What I cherish by Sandip Saha

West Coast Eisteddfod Online Poetry Competition 2017

I was asked by somebody
‘Would you like to
Become the president of
America or the prime minister
Of India’, my answer was
Emphatically ‘No’ since
I adore freedom and not post
Even if there is a post for God
I hate to take that also
As post binds me with the boundary
For which it is created and I shall
Have to be accountable for that
And I do not like any limitation.


Anything tangible has limitation
I despise to take any shape, I do
Not want to be defined,
I like to be finer than the finest
And bigger than the biggest
Death will fear to catch me
And miserably fail in all attempts
I do not do harm to anybody
Since I do not see anything
Other than myself nor I do any
Favor as nobody exits to take it;
All the name and fame are
Preposterous to me since that
Too is nothing but big bondages.


I like to be ever illuminated light,
Endless wisdom, infinite love
That coalesce the bubbles of
Good and evil in to homogeneous
Monolithic absolute existence
That has neither beginning nor end.

updated by @ceri-shaw: 10/19/17 01:33:49AM