The Dying of the Light
West Coast Eisteddfod Online Poetry Competition 2018
Diolch for posting Bill. Pob lwc/best of luck in the competition
Diolch for posting Bill. Pob lwc/best of luck in the competition
While you are obsessed with the lifestyles of the rich and famous,
The devil is placing guns and weapons
In the hands of the sick and dangerous
Kids killing kids in schools,
While madmen run around the nation
With no regard for any rules.
The richest country in the world,
And you can’t even provide for your senior citizens.
Now you’re deporting people
Because of their ethnic origins.
You had no problem standing for something
When you heard of the invasion of the Redcoats.
Fast forward a couple hundred years
And now you have the audacity to take away people’s right to vote.
Why do you send all of your good jobs overseas,
And graduate kids from college
With all of these exorbitant student loan fees.
Other nations give free health care to the needy
And you on the other hand
Keep your wealth ensnared with the selfish and greedy.
Crooked America,
Give and it shall be given.
When the cover is pulled off,
No longer will your sins be hidden.
When the wrath of God comes down in fury,
You will be crying out,
“Will someone please come cure me.”
It will be too late then, Mr. Crooked.
You won’t be able to tuck your tail
Between your legs, run, and book it.
When the opportunity was there,
You never stood for the truth.
One day sooner than later
The chickens will come home to roost.
You stole what you own
From the hands of the Red natives.
They were here first,
But you just had to be abrasive
And evict them from their rightful property,
From the least of them to the greatest
This includes all tribes, especially the Cherokee.
You built yourself up on the backs of slaves.
Your hypocrisy and degradation
Will make you dig your own grave.
What happened to the promised mule and 40 acres?
What’re you going to say
When it’s time to face the Maker?
What else has to happen
Before you awaken from your stupor?
Turn back to God before it’s too late
And stop acting like a simple prostitute that’s had a cruel pimp dupe her.
You’ve had to watch your twin towers in Gotham fall and crumble,
While your citizens have to watch
Your political leaders drop the ball and stumble.
On your money,
It says “In God we trust,”
But judging by your actions
You seem to be only motivated and driven by your own lust.
When bad things happen,
You question the existence of God.
If you return to your moral fundamentals
You can anticipate Him sparing the rod.
But you consume yourself
With greedy and selfish desires,
Yet you’re disheartened when natural disasters hit,
Things such as earthquakes, hurricanes, and wild fires.
Don’t get mad at me for dropping this literary bomb,
I’m just doing what God wants,
Someone has to sound the alarm.
Judgment is approaching
And there’s nothing you can do to stop it
Forsake your corrupt ways
And take heed to God’s true prophets.
Like the prophet Isaiah they cry loud and spare not,
Your crime’s been uncovered, Crooked America,
Come out with your hands up.
Because you’ve been caught.
I thought the ghettos in America were bad,
But what I observed firsthand
Would make the jolliest clown be sad
And turn his perpetual smile into a frown.
How can you have streets with holes
The size of craters in the ground.
These are slums,
The likes of which my eyes have never beheld.
Any government that would allow such horror
Needs to be readily dispelled.
Isn’t your country the largest oil producer on the continent?
Judging by the abject poverty,
It’s hard to fathom where the money’s being spent.
It’s 2018!
No reason why there shouldn’t be clean running water,
Or why there should be parents
Who cannot clothe their sons and daughters,
Or why there should be streets lined with opened bags of trash
And people of all ages sidling through traffic
Trying to earn some much needed cash.
Mr. Nigeria,
This is a desperate plea for action.
If you have all of that oil money,
Why is the people’s electricity rationed?
Is the money hoarded at the top,
While classism never seems to want to stop,
The poor are on the bottom looking up at the bottom.
And the citizens are living in a new-aged Sodom?
Gomorrah is long gone
And so should this nation’s deplorable conditions.
Come down from your ivory tower, Mr. Nigeria
And begin a revolutionary mission.
One that results in all people
Having access to flowing milk and honey.
Initiate change in the slums, Mr. Nigeria
And pass the less fortunate some money.
Have you ever wondered
If the people on the street
Are more than just
Extras in your movie
Have you ever wondered
If the people around you lead
Complicated lives
That you can't imagine
The realisation that
The strangers around you
Have their own stories
And lead lives too
i hate this feeling i cannot let go
far too long i stared down into that stream.
but i suppose what I reap I must sow.
she’s dropped into the underworld it seems.
or no; i know for sure that she is gone.
and no amount of lyres can bring her back.
i wish someone could turn time back anon
to save my family from this heart-attack
this is the fourth person i’ve seen descend;
yet this one hurts the most--i dare not cry
gnashing of teeth and weeping’s not her end
so there was no true reason for goodbyes
for i will see her in a better place
‘cause when i die i’ll see her face to face.
i’ve spent hours pent up in a prison
(apparently they call them houses)
and the only way to escape them
is to run—to run away,
never looking back.
cars honk, but i hear them naught
bass pounding; feet dropping to the beat;
a jumble of words i could never repeat.
i’m running away from my problems, and
never looking back.
scents waft from mothers
preparing dinner for their demanding
i rush past holding my breath ignoring my
running has freed me, and now i’m
never looking back.
cars rush by.
in the back of my mind,
i wonder if the strangers speeding past
With their mercedes-benz and bmw’s are
laughing at the girl sweating on the
but who cares: i’m escaping this world,
never looking back.
my breathing overpowers the music.
shaking, i force myself onward.
cramps waft over me.
i grit my teeth. i count the blocks home.
the sun’s going down. my speed is too.
but the pain’s worth it.
i’m happy now, and i’m
never looking back.
this feels weird
i don’t want to be dead
last time i saw myself
i was making sure there was nothing in my teeth.
darn you, braces.
how did i die?
did i die of cancer?
(they say you can get it
from being on your phone too much)
or was it from caffeine overdose?
(yes, this is my fourth day in a row
at starbucks—please don’t judge)
don’t miss me too much--
i didn’t miss you much, either.
an abyss of colors swims before her eyes
faces flash and fade in the light,
throwing a subtle glow on her face.
half-awake; not caring about anything
besides that which is before her.
she sits frozen—in a trance.
it will be nearly an hour before she breaks from its spell.
when she walked in
she cared about naught but an outlet.
(lest her beloved suffocate under her constant stares and caresses)
though he often breathes heavy
and purrs unhappily
she does nothing
but stare and stare and stare.
-now i see im under 2 names here with a disques name-this is confusing
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S'mae.New on here and totally agree with you about this statue.It is a haunting representation of a man who died for his country.According to the story the reason Llywelyn would not divulge Glyndwr's position is that his sons were fighting alongside the Welsh leader.As a fan of Owain Glyndwr I have a soft spot for the statue in Corwen
Great statue! Great photo! I was in Corwen about 20 years ago but somehow managed to miss this??? Will pay more attention next time I'm in town