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Tuesday October 27 2009, 7:00 AM
@ Uplands, Swansea, Wales, UK, Uplands Crescent, Uplands,...
Attendees: @gwyncy jones, @Dylan Thomas Birthplace
On 27th October he is coming home - hence Dylan Down the Ups. The 95th annivesary of his birth will see the Edwardian and Victorian backdrop rock with a series of events in and around the place he called home for 23 years.
The events are being organised by Anne and Geoff Haden who have recently restored his birthplace to its condition as it was as a new house when bought by the Thomas family in 1914 a few months before Dylan was born in the front bedroom.
Plans include a Dylan Look A Like competition, short story competition and will include something for all the family. This is no a highbrow event but something that brings back Dylan where he belongs - to the streets of The Ups. Stalls in the street, Dylan Look a Like, a chance to stand up on a soapbox or listen to poet Peter Thabit Jones and musician Terry Clarke.
Dylan Around the Ups is a walking tour complete with actors reading from and about Dylan and his childhood haunts (10.00am and 2.00pm)
The aim is to grow the event year on year until the 100th anniversary of Dylan's birth in 2014 when we intend unveiling a statue of the young Dylan in Uplands Square (contributions welcome towards £100,000 cost).
@ Uplands, Swansea, Wales, UK, Uplands Crescent, Uplands,...
Attendees: @gwyncy jones, @Dylan Thomas Birthplace
On 27th October he is coming home - hence Dylan Down the Ups. The 95th annivesary of his birth will see the Edwardian and Victorian backdrop rock with a series of events in and around the place he called home for 23 years.
The events are being organised by Anne and Geoff Haden who have recently restored his birthplace to its condition as it was as a new house when bought by the Thomas family in 1914 a few months before Dylan was born in the front bedroom.
Plans include a Dylan Look A Like competition, short story competition and will include something for all the family. This is no a highbrow event but something that brings back Dylan where he belongs - to the streets of The Ups. Stalls in the street, Dylan Look a Like, a chance to stand up on a soapbox or listen to poet Peter Thabit Jones and musician Terry Clarke.
Dylan Around the Ups is a walking tour complete with actors reading from and about Dylan and his childhood haunts (10.00am and 2.00pm)
The aim is to grow the event year on year until the 100th anniversary of Dylan's birth in 2014 when we intend unveiling a statue of the young Dylan in Uplands Square (contributions welcome towards £100,000 cost).
mick ..hucknall(simply red)....was a dead ringer for dylan in his early days!........