Dylan Thomas Birthplace


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Dylan Thomas is 4 today!

user image 2012-10-27
By: Dylan Thomas Birthplace
Posted in:
Oh no he isn't - he would be 98 on 27th October 2012.Ah but.....when Dylan's daughter - the late Aeronwy - opened the restored Dylan Thomas Birthplace on 27th October 2008 it seemed appropriate to start the house's new life as it would have been in 1914 so - four years on we are in 1918, the first World War is almost over and young Dylan is just four years old.Tonight the Birthplace at 5 Cwmdonkin Drive hosts a celebration complete with birthday cake and entertainment - for adults! It's an international line up including Swedish folk singer Fanny Holm, poet/songwriter Tony Webb and the mistress of the ukelele Cheryl Beer.If you are in Swansea it starts at 7.00pm and there is more about events at the Birthplace on http://www.5cwmdonkindrive.com/events.php . This includes details of the short listed authors for the Dylan Thomas Prize at the Birthplace which - along with our mother company Clyne Farm Centre ( http://www.clynefarm.com ) - is the official authors' residence in the week leading up to the awards of the 30,000 ($45,000) prize on 9th November