david rees


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BBC iplayer Wales in the Sixties

user image 2013-11-15
By: david rees
Posted in:

I was sent the above link by a relative in Carmarthen. The town features in the prog and it includes the impact of 60's culture on pupils at the Girls Grammar school. Also features Tiger Bay, Valleys, Andy Fairwether Low and Carmarthen actress Sharon Morgan. Hope its availablet to you, and, if anyone who grew up in Carmarthen in the 60's wishes to say hello, please do so, .born 1950.

Gaynor Madoc Leonard
11/16/13 10:37:06AM @gaynor-madoc-leonard:

Thanks, Harold. I really enjoyed watching that. There were even some pictures of Carmarthen in the 60s.

Harold Powell
11/15/13 07:38:47PM @harold-powell:

I think this is the link:


The HTML probably got stripped out in title field.

Gaynor Madoc Leonard
11/15/13 07:24:57PM @gaynor-madoc-leonard:

Is it only me who can't see any link?