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prototype is done , fits and is doable boxes should fit all by eye and tape guess - plus we added nylon spacers for the mounting , the boat was colourfull tangerine and marmalade sprang to mind , but some things may or may not be real to those who may or may not be here or just looking on the telly , by the way dont matter how good the telly is you aint there so its all remote an dont count people who may or may not exist in nowhere land which by the way is only coloured by its inhabitants , he reads the news in a paper and looks at world made for him , what is real and what is not here , but if its not here it cant be fake because its not here is it , no one hears the voice only the conversation you have no other sound is here but then we all know about the tree that fell over or do you , the taxi is here , but was the man created for the world , are all sheep ac or battery .............................