Dave Benjamin


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Dave Fellows sings Dylan Thomas

Category: Humor
Duration: 00:05:52
The opening scenes of an awful awful really awful movie in which I play the ghost of Dylan Thomas - I provide the vocals for the song played over the images

Ceri Shaw
12/27/12 07:35:32PM @ceri-shaw:

A blast from the past....amazing footage of the Ghost of Dylan Thomas

Dave Benjamin
03/28/10 09:08:18PM @dave-benjamin:
this was my second venture into Welsh film - my first was an "extra2 part as The Man in The Pink Towel in the massage Parlour Scene in the other swansea Movie "Twin Town" - I was only onscreen for a couple of seconds but it is the thing I'm most recognised for - _ People still come up to me and say "Weren't you in Twin town?" - I still can't understand how they recognise me from my fleeting appearance - I've done other things, such as Stand up comedy on national TV, but I've never been recognised from that. Anyway, Paul, you want to know where you can get the Dylan Movie - Iknow it was available on DVD (It also stars my Niece Singe/Songwriter Maria Owen, Who I believe you know), I don't have a copy, but I think it is tracable on the Internet - I've added you as a friend so I can message you and point you in the right (or some say it was the wrong) direction. I will keep posting videos on Americymru - I hope people will find them interesting and amusing
Ceri Shaw
03/28/10 08:10:40PM @ceri-shaw:
This is a gem! Many thanks for posting. It's just as you describe...great vocals, great track ..as for the film, ahem...well. Couldnt resist featuring it ( twice ) and twittering it half a dozen times:)
Paul Durden
03/28/10 05:14:01AM @paul-durden:
Where can I get a copy of this film, not can "must" I will pay good cash....cheers......
Dave Benjamin
03/27/10 01:19:24PM @dave-benjamin:
This was just the opening of the film - It goes steeply downhill from there
Arfon Williams
03/27/10 09:48:22AM @arfon-williams:
Its not that bad....I quite liked it..quirky ..and I've never been to swansea...