Daffni Percival


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user image 2011-08-28
By: Daffni Percival
Posted in:

The reason for such a long silence from me here is twofold. Firstly, ever since getting mobile again I have been gradually catching up on all sorts of work around the house and in my study that had been either totally ignored or half done before I gave up. I've made a lot of progress and things are returning to normal. I shall get even more done when 3 weeks have passed as my lovely helper, Emma, will be back from her summer occupation of running workshops on garland making at various festivals. Mind you, I shan't have her for long as she and Phil are getting married in September.

Secondly, I have been very busy editing a collection of poems by Hedd Wyn for publication by Merilang Press. I am not a native speaker so had to be very careful with typing and also checking after scanning. I checked it all myself and then a good friend who is a Cymraes proof-read the whole thing. My neighbour, who is hedd Wyn's nephew gave me a few more poems that had never been published. Altogether it has been stressful and time-consuming but very interesting. Have learnt a lot more Welsh but not of the kind one could yse for chatting in the pub. I have just finished contents and alphabetical index of first lines. Now just need to add titles for photos. and await a foreword from a bardd who is a Hedd Wyn expert.

Maybe then I'll have time to do some writing of my own.

Daffni Percival
09/02/11 07:26:33PM @daffni-percival:

The book, I think, is finished at least as regards my formatting. Even indeces!. Waiting now for a forward and to see it as pdf.

Ceri Shaw
08/28/11 07:58:20PM @ceri-shaw:

Diolch for posting Daffni....spreading the word Havent forgotten about the intervciew....will get q's to you this week without fail.