Cynthia Davies


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events: 7

The St David's Society of the State of New York

The St  David's Society of the State of New York

Friday March 4 2011, 6:30 PM
@ The Yale Club, 50 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York City

Welsh actress Catherine Zeta-Jones will receive the highest honor of the  William R. Hopkins Medal at the 176th Annual Dinner Dance in celebration of St David's Day. Dinner in the Grand Ballroom. Dancing to the Lester Lanin Orchestra. Black tie suggested, decorations. 

Tickets $175.

Zoe Brigley Thompson
02/16/11 08:15:07PM @zoe-brigley-thompson:
Wow, looks exciting, but it is a bit pricey for me at the moment, what with me being a penniless writer! Maybe next year? Thanks for the invitation though!