Crap Wife


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How could you do this to me, Ceri Shaw?

user image 2011-04-15
By: Crap Wife
Posted in:
How could you do this to me, Ceri Shaw?

I found Dave Garland Jones through,

I fell for his hair... then his earring,

Then You aint seen Ruthin yet.

I couldn't take my eyes from the screen; I watched him online,

Fighting wars for his art form,

He's ahead of his time.

Excited by the Geography (he lives close to me,)

I will start a Scrap Book and call it...

The Life of Davie-G.

I was on YouTube for hours, hes had thousands of views,

If I could just maybe once meet him,

Would he make me his muse?

I dont love him in a that way, Im not attracted you see...

But his failings are irresistible...

To a stalker, like me.

The bus stops about a mile from the great DGJs home,

I sit and wait there for hours...

Hoping Dave lives alone.

I leave down-right dejected.Dave Garland Jones is not in.

But it was nowhere near a wasted journey,

I found souvenirs... in his bin.

I feel my confidence soaring, on the tail my toil,

I log on to watch him on youtube...

My blood starts to boil.

The reason (I hear you asking) is Ceri Bloody Shaw,

Trying to lure Dave to America,

The betrayal is raw.

While Dave's songs and sketches pierced my heart like a knife...

Ceri was scheming from Portland,

To take him from my life.

I dont know how Ill continue, in the face of this blow,

Who can I stalk in his absence?

'Cause Daves sure to go.

It's not even like I can follow, the thought fills me with fright,

At one thousand pounds sterling...

I can't afford the flight.

I can live, pray and dream as fate rolls its dice

And that Dave will come back from LA one day...

Treforests quite nice.

In the meantime I am left with YouTube for a friend,

Daves no doubt packing his suitcase,

A/C will have got him in the end.

So I hope you enjoy him,

Be sure to tell him that I love him, please...

...dont let him forget.


Ceri Shaw
04/15/11 11:23:00PM @ceri-shaw:
Thankyou Ed....a tactful and diplomatic response as ever. I feel safe knowing that my reputation is in your hands.
Crap Wife
04/15/11 10:11:57PM @crap-wife:
Not good enough, Ceri.
Ceri Shaw
04/15/11 10:11:07PM @ceri-shaw:
I am handing this matter over to my PR Manager Ed Sleaze ( founder, president and CEO of GlobeTrash Inc ). You'll be hearing from him soon