Crap Wife


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Diary of a Crap Wife: It ain't over til the Fat Lady sings. (Everybody hurts, sometimes.)

user image 2011-04-05
By: Crap Wife
Posted in:

this blog can be viewed in its original format with pictures at or at

Husbands sickness isnt my fault. After all, he didnt have to eat the cheese- he could have negotiated with me instead. When you think about it, really, its his own fault for not communicating with me effectively. Monday morning, after a restless night and an early morning taking delivery of parcels, Husband is adamant that it is not his fault. In fact, hes pretty certain that Im to blame (!) This, of course, simply isnt true; and I tell him so.

This simply isnt true.

You made me eat a ball of garlic cheese thatd been in your Nannas handbag for 18 hours.

(I decide not to tell him that my Grandparents have since read the blog and rang to advise that it was more like 22 hours because they were caught in traffic at by Leigh Delemare service station. Or that it had been sat on the windowsill of their hotel room for 48 hours prior to this.)
I cant believe youre blaming Nanna for this Husband, she carried that cheese all the way home for you- youre not even allowed to bring foreign food stuff back into the UK, she could have been jailed. Why are you being like this? I question.
Im not blaming Nanna, Im blaming you. says Husband

Potato/potatoe, were related. says I.

Fine, lets see if she has another ball of cheese and you eat it then? Husband looks smug.
Ooooh youd love that wouldnt you? Me to eat a ball of cheese and get even fatter. You just dont want anyone to fancy me; youre trying to make me fatter so that no one fancies me.

(No-ones actually fancied me since 2004.)
Youre a pleb. He tells me.

Im shocked, as that usually works. Husband goes back to bed with a book and I set about tidying the house (not out of guilt.)
I find that the cleaning is enjoyable today and before I know it,I'vehoovered(not out of guilt) mopped the floors (not out of guilt) and made a batch of 'non vegetarian made with actual chicken' broth (not out of guilt.)
Husband seems really thrilled with my efforts, especially with the soup which he says, and I quote, is just what the Doctor ordered.

I am pleased that were finally reaching a truce, as Im finding being blamed for another persons crimes a terrible burden which is no good for my chi.
I dont know what made me mention the chicken arse while he supped the soup, but as Husband vomited the truce onto my nice clean floor, I realised immediately that it had been a mistake.
In an effort to make light of the situation and recapture the sentiment of the truce, I joke:
Oh, dont worry; at least you didnt throw up on the cat.
Admitidley, this isnt the funniest line Ive ever quipped, but Husbands a simple creature and its enough to make sick come out of his nose. There is no greater horror than watching the one you married vomit through their nose.
Suffice to say that the truce is off. Husband believes that this was a deliberate act of sabotage on my part. I am totally mortified that Husband thinks I would do such a thing, and I tell him so.
I am totally crushed that you think I would do such a thing.

You posted all my clothes back to me- second class ; youre capable of anything. He says.
There you go, bringing up the past again...
They only arrived this morning! You still bip at me for forgetting to put the bins out on our wedding night. (I had left a note reminding him, which he ignored.)
I can see that Husband isnt in the right frame of mind to listen to reason and suggest that he goes back to bed to think about what hes done.
This doesnt seem to go down well and he slams the door on his way out- I think this may be domestic abuse but Im not sure. Thankfully, my mother is somewhat of an authority on this as she sits on a domestic abuse forum-unbelievably, shes more concerned about Husband than me. She suggests that I reread my blog, I tell her I dont have time as Ive got to redo the floor.
I am very hurt and upset about Husbands very low opinion of me (especially when Ive tried to be so helpful.) I decide to play Xbox to perk myself up.
Being as I spent so long organising things this morning (not out of guilt,) I am able to locate the batteries for the karaoke mikes instantly.
Given that Im such a perfectionist, I decide to pick one song and practise it before trying others and starting a band.
By my eleventh rendition of R.E.Ms heart wrencher Everybody Hurts Husband has had enough time to realise that No , he didnt have to eat the cheese, making it his fault he's sick, and Yes , I was only trying to cheer him up when I made him laugh while he vomited.

That, my friends, is what marriage is all about. Communication.

Ceri Shaw
04/05/11 09:22:46PM @ceri-shaw:
lol@"That, my friends, is what marriage is all about. Communication." Wise words