We are immensely proud and pleased to announce that in 2018, author Mike Jenkins together with the editorial board of eto magazine will judge the entries in the West Coast Eisteddfod Online Short Story competition.
Poet, story writer and novelist. Mike is a former teacher at Comprehensive school level for nearly 30 years and is now a fulltime writer and is available for readings and workshops at any time. Mike has lived in Merthyr for over 30 years and was winner of an Eric Gregory Award in 1979 and the Welsh Arts Council Young Writer’s Prize in 1984. Mike also won the John Tripp Award for Spoken Poetry and the 1998 Wales Book of the Year (English section) for Wanting To Belong (Seren, 2000), a book of interlinked stories for teenagers. He was a runner-up in Academi's 2009 Rhys Davies Short Story Competition.
He is a former editor of Poetry Wales and has co–edited Red Poets magazine for many years. His latest novella The Fugitive Three centres on three young people in a South Wales Valley’s estate whose stories intertwine and who, despite the odds, refuse to live lives of quiet desperation. It is fast-paced and written in a tight dialect in the third person narrative. Mike is a Fellow of Academi. Read his poem for Glyn Jones here .
Mike has recently published a collection of dialect poetry titled 'Sofa Surfin'. Read our review of Sofa Surfin here . Read our latest interview with Mike here.
This is an exciting opportunity for aspiring short story writers to achieve recognition and publication and we would like to repeat that there are NO registration fees. The winner and his/her work will also be featured on this site on what we hope will be a heavily trafficked page.
Entries must be posted individually in discussion forums using the + symbol, top right hand corner of the page. You can submit up to 5 entries.
Post your story or poem (and any links) as a separate discussion in the discussion forum . You will need to click the + sign, top right, to post your entry. If you wish to include a link to your website or blog please do so but remember you must link back to us. Please DO NOT submit attachments...cut and paste your story into a discussion dialog box and add your title and attribution.
Non Members
1. Post your submission on your blog and email us with the url ( americymru@gmail.com ). We will include it in the discussion forum. You must include a link to this page on your submission page.
2. Email your submission to us and we will post it in the discussion forum and credit you as author. ( in this case mutual linking is an option but not required )
The Fine Print
There is no entry or submission fee for this competition. The requirement to backlink if you are posting on your own blog and linking here ( or submitting a link to your blog on this page ) is obligatory and designed to be mutually beneficial.
Any materials submitted in this group will remain the sole property of the author. We guarantee not to display any story or any portion thereof on other pages or sites without the express permission of the author. Likewise materials submitted here or linked here can be removed or unlinked at any time by the author or at his/her request.