War for water by Sandip Saha

Ceri Shaw
10/19/17 01:35:27AM
568 posts

You form my body

Seventy percent of it

But day by day

You are becoming so scarce

I fail to understand why

The saline seas surround

Thirsty throats

Grasping for a fresh drop

But salt has poisoned it

What was the need?

Rivers are drying

Glaciers are retreating

War for water is on

Among neighboring countries

To take lion share of river water

To quench thirst of their

Ever growing population

Engaged in tall talk

To justify their multiple children

Most of which are burden

To the society

As they are jobless

Idle guys and gals grow as brutes

Rape women or lure as porn stars

Become terrorists

Being assured of easy money

By their hot headed handlers

In exchange of being killed

As suicide attackers and

Kill innocent people simultaneously.

You bear bacteria in your body

Cause cholera and other diseases

In one hand you give life

In another you kill the same.