The Normans
because im Cornish and welsh maybe im descended from king Arthur -i dont knowthat would be weird
how about noah? maybe i should start one "sons of the Norman invasion"lol
anyone know much about the normans?
i keep thinking about them
with the names i have in line i guess im part welsh and cornish and english and also norman
now this guy did research and is saying im decended form king edward longshanks that crazy king in braveheart(he never really shoved the guy out the window though
i wonder if i am decended form him
at least edward the secord got sick of war and said screw that
updated by @dylan-thomas-priddy: 11/11/15 10:37:33PM
i keep thinking about them
with the names i have in line i guess im part welsh and cornish and english and also norman
now this guy did research and is saying im decended form king edward longshanks that crazy king in braveheart(he never really shoved the guy out the window though
i wonder if i am decended form him
at least edward the secord got sick of war and said screw that
updated by @dylan-thomas-priddy: 11/11/15 10:37:33PM