Stanza Breaks In Poetry Submissions

Ceri Shaw
11/19/16 11:18:36PM
568 posts have logged in and posted a poem. Next you want to edit it. Take a look at the following screenshots which will get you to the edit screen and the source code edit screen. Once there you can correct line and stanza breaks. The problem is that when you copy and paste from a word processor or from PDF the formatting is NOT always accurately translated into HTML. So, you have to tweak it, manually, a little. Follow the steps below and you will be done in minutes.


ONE   Hover the cursor in the right hand corner of your post and click the middle (Update) button. (see below)



TWO    In the editor click the 'source code' icon. (see below)​




THREE    A 'source code' pop out will appear. Here you can alter the html tags to preserve your formatting. As you can see, in the first text below, there are no p  tags to denote stanza breaks. Basically you need a  p tag at the beginning and end of each stanza and br at the end of each line within the stanza..

Screenshot from 20171009 141537.png

Screenshot from 20171009 142006.png

updated by @ceri-shaw: 11/24/19 06:16:51PM