Hi - Shwmai Pawb!I have set up an official National Saint David's Day Parade (NSDDP) Facebook group and am slowly adding things on to it as to what will be happening here in Cardiff on the day. If you want to see some of last year's action go to www.stdavidsday.org to see some of the videos and utube clips available.There is an official NSDDP song called 'Cenwch y Clychau i Dewi' - 'Ring out the Bells for Saint David' which you could all learn wherever you are in the world. The song was launched this year at the Assembly by Lord Dafydd Elis Thomas and is avaliable to all scholls in Wales through means of a download through the National Grid for learning (NGfL) What we hope will happen throughout the world is that every ex-pat society will have their own Saint David's Day Banner and will be able to sing the song at their Saint David's Day celebrations thus linking in to the main event in Cardiff which is growing year on year. If you want to have ideas on how to make a banner go to www.fishguardartssociety.org.uk/ThePembrokeshireBanner.html to see what they are doing.HwylGwenno Dafydd
updated by @gwenno-dafydd: 12/04/15 03:57:45PM