Flying across the pond,
Thinking on the days long gone.
The reflections that I see
Trouble and perplex me.
I reminisce of when my ancestors made this voyage
To a world strange and foreign
With nothing to feast on
But foul odor, thoughts of home, and cold porridge.
Makes me grateful to God
That I exist in this day and time,
Where I can be free and
Live anywhere I want to reside.
I wonder how many of them
Never made it across the Atlantic.
Thrown overboard, fed to the fish,
And suffered fates that no doubt were tragic.
Hoarded on ships in which they
Wallowed in feces and were swallowed by diseases;
They had no creature comforts
They paid a price
And gaves us a life
That could be considered elitist.
Because of their unfortunate circumstances
Many of us enjoy liberties and pleasures
That ignorance implores us to take for granted.
updated by @americymru: 01/23/19 02:17:34AM