North Korea rocket plans

Prof Dai Twaddle B.S. M.A. P.H.D
12/06/12 02:50:27PM
4 posts

I hear that Kim Jong no-longer-ill's unsung son Un, is planning to send a rocket - somewhere into the air. Given past sucesses, I'd be wearing a hard-hat over that ugly hair-do if I were him.

I have heard techies in the US say, there's no fear of it it hitting the US - it's range is not enough to even get 3/4 way to Hawaii. Well, let me chime in here. I happen to speak with great authority - as one who has frequently witnessed the path of objects spinning above my head.

If our bad-hair-day fiend (yes, fiend) were to launch his rocket, tomorrow at noon, just a few degrees west of near vertical, it would ascend to its apogee then begin its descent; following along so far? Given that the earth rotates (here's that spinning experience of mine)one revolution per day, our lock-shorn villain's rocket could plummet right into New York's Central Park (get the Korean-name nuance?) at midnightfrom the Eastern sky. Now that would be some sight for any number of wise men to see and follow!

I must lie down again now, my head is beginning to spin again; I wonder why?

updated by @prof-dai-twaddle-bs-ma-phd: 12/14/15 03:23:46PM