Learning the Welsh Language

alwyn parry
01/07/12 02:45:43AM
9 posts

well done Bronn although I have been away from Wales more than half a century I still speak Welsh fluently although naturally the language has moved on with time I have'nt so in a sense you never stop learning.Blwyddyn Newydd Dda


Ceridwen Keeley
01/07/12 01:21:57AM
19 posts

I'm using Say Something in Welsh, too. Very satisfied with the results so far. Once you start learning, with whatever program(s), I'd suggest listening to programming like BBC's Radio Cymru (available on-line), the various Welsh videos at YouTube, and finding Welsh-language songs you'd like to sing along with. Get used to the way the language sounds. I haven't checked in a while, but I vaguely recall some teaching vids for Welsh over at YouTube, too.

Just looked at the Rosetta Stone site. Welsh is no longer on their list, even at the UK site.

Ceri Shaw
12/26/11 10:09:26PM
568 posts

This topic has come up before on the site and I think the general concensus was that whilst Rosetta was ok you'd get more 'bang for your buck' from the various online resources, some of which Peter has listed below. Whatever you decide, best of luck with your resolution

Peter Lewis
12/26/11 08:21:18PM
14 posts

Here are the three resources I'm using, all free and very useful. I'm not a big fan of Rosetta Stone, I found it too limited for the money. The BBC online lessons are a good start and the two podcasts can be downloaded onto your computer or mp3 player to use whenever you have have time.




Bronn journey
12/26/11 05:32:33PM
2 posts

Yes...that is what I am asking. I haven't met anyone that has done Rosetta Stone in any language but I certainly have heard the ads.

Bronn journey
12/26/11 05:15:51PM
2 posts

I have been around the Welsh community most of my life but have never learned to speak the language. Has anyone checked out Rosetta Stone for Welsh? I am pondering learning the language as a New Year resolution.

updated by @bronn-journey: 11/11/15 10:38:08PM