Are there any Welsh/Welsh descendants in the Asheville, NC area?M

Suzie Morris
12/30/10 07:55:12PM
4 posts
Ironically a few weeks after moving here, I met a lady of Welsh descent at the post office in Weaverville, NC. She and I have emailed back and forth since. Recently, she met a man from Powys there. So it seems the Welsh gather at the post office in Weaverville, NC.
Suzie Morris
12/26/10 03:04:06PM
4 posts

I am surprised! There are so many Celts around here and the terrain is much like North Wales.

I appreciate your help. Diolch yn fawr and a belated Nadolig Llawen.

Hapus Newydd Dda!

Suzie Morris
12/26/10 01:47:40PM
4 posts

Recently I emailed Arturo Roberts, editor of the Ninnau seeking information on a St. David's Society or Welsh group in Asheville, NC where I recently relocated. His reply surprised me. He knew of no organized group and in fact, replied: "we have few subscribers in North Carolina and only one in Asheville." This came as a great surprise, as I am aware of at least two annual Highland Games in the area. In particular, Grandfather Mountain has a very large annual gathering of the clans at Grandfather Mountain ( ) in July and Hendersonville has them in November ( ). While the main focus of these games are the Scots, many Welsh and Irish representatives are present and welcome.

So, my questions are:

Where are the Welsh in the Asheville, NC area? Would there be any interest in forming a group?

updated by @suzie-morris: 11/11/15 10:37:40PM