1ST Anniversary of Welsh Authors Business Book

Nigel T Packer
08/26/09 10:04:07AM
2 posts
It has been a full year since my book, Internet Marketing How to get a Website that Works for Your Business was published by Constable and Robinson.It has led to many interesting and rewarding experiences from Speaking events in The UK and Europe to training course delivery and consultancy work.Although the book took nearly three years to research and write it was an experience in itself. I would like to thank all those who have purchased the book and been good enough to write a review on Amazon and in other places.If I could impose on those who have purchased the book and have not posted a review. Please if you, like all the others who have written a review, have learnt from the book about getting a website and the importance of Internet Marketing in a modern business could write a review on Amazon it would help to support the book in North America.Many thanks for your assistance.
updated by @nigel-t-packer: 11/11/15 10:37:26PM