Coming to the Mabinogi

Shan Morgain
03/15/14 12:19:37AM

Ceri has kindly posted up an interview with me where I explain what the Mabinogi is, how I fell in love with it - then it brought me a wild and loving Welshman AND Wales, so I came to live here 25 years ago ... and how my life as a priestess and academic philosopher and radical feminist has all been drawn together by these STORIES.

Oh and how they have strengthened the core of being Welsh, Wales, and the wider Wales.

Enjoy my interview and any questions or comments will be very welcome here.

(I also have my own website totally about the Mabinogi, so see the links in the interview.)

The Mabinogi

Interview: Shan Morgain on the Mabinogi, for Americymru

The Mabinogi