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user image 2009-09-02
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HOMES FOR SALE IN ARIZONA As an aging Taff, well I'm not really that old, though I do refer to the pic displayed as my " World War TWO" pic. I wanted to remind you fellow Taffies and the like, of the amazing deals available in ARIZONA, the land of the sun. Having long since left my London entertainment career behind, I have been a Realtor here in the Phoenix, Az. valley for the past 13 years. These past two years have been hell for many, people finding that they owe more on their mortgages than their houses are worth, often a drop of 50% or more in the value in their homes. Foreclosures have been rampant, the angry inhabitants sometimes inflicting heavy damage on their property before departing, ripping out appliances, pouring concrete down the toilets, kicking holes in the walls, spray painting walls and ceilings, causing 1000's of dollars worth of damage. However, these examples are extreme, not all these homes suffer the same fate, but equally important, THERE IS A SILVER LINING. All these homes will be, and are being sold at hitherto ridiculously low prices, and people seeking new homes will benefit as will the investors pouring into the state. One of my clients is seeking to relocate to the east side of the Phoenix valley, their maximum purchase price being $500K, and we have been touring wealthy custom estates where houses originally around $1.2 million are selling for the $500K range. Wow! To my clients, it has really been an eye opener. As a contrast, I had never previously sold a house here for less than $125K, but recently I had a call from a landscaper who said he had $15K which he wanted to invest in a rental property. On searching, I was astounded to find the number of homes in the valley selling for under $20K, admittedly not custom built, but nevertheless houses which, thoughtfully chosen, and given a little work and TLC, could provide decent homes for people. I'm originally from the little coal mining village of Blackwood, Monmouthshire (now Gwent) in South Wales, my real name being RAYMOND WILLIAM GODFREY, the name Byron being adopted when I decided to enter show/music business in 1963. I would welcome comments or communications from anyone who can relate to the valleys, not necessarily seeking homes for sale in Arizona. Anyone remotely interested in buying property can find a wealth of real estate information on the homepage of my website with preset search links to property in most towns in Arizona. To better identify me, there is also a link to my PERSONAL and BUSINESS PROFILE on the homepage too, a profile which is SURE TO SURPRISE YOU.