Brian Stephen John


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The bluestones at Stonehenge

user image 2011-06-09
By: Brian Stephen John
Posted in:

The bluestones at Stonehenge

Still not sure how all this works, so here goes....

I know that many of you with Welsh links have a strong interest in the old myth of bluestone transport from the Preseli Hills in Pembrokeshire to that ruinous old monument called Stonehenge. It's my mission in life to convince the archaeologists that the myth is just that -- a myth which has no evidence to support it.....

I'm a geographer by training, and I'm convinced that the bluestones at Stonehenge are simply glacial erratics, transported by ice during one of the big glacial episodes. Feel free to take a look at my blog, and maybe contribute to it!

All contributions treated with due respect, so long as they are on the topic......

Brian Stephen John
06/09/11 10:39:21PM @brian-stephen-john:
Ah -- thanks for putting the YouTube video onto the site, Ceri. Much appreciated. I hope people will enjoy it, and find it useful for more understanding of the strange link between Stonehenge and Wales.
Ceri Shaw
06/09/11 10:15:07PM @ceri-shaw:

Ceri Shaw
06/09/11 09:48:38AM @ceri-shaw:
Just got your message about the YouTube vid...will embed here tomorrow...nos da
Brian Stephen John
06/09/11 09:47:04AM @brian-stephen-john:
If the YouTube link doesn't work, the video is called "Stonehenge Unhinged." Enjoy!
Ceri Shaw
06/09/11 09:47:02AM @ceri-shaw:
k...late here...1.42...please keep posting. I always wondered why anyone would go to the trouble of dragging ( and floating ) those particular stones to that particular location. A stone is a stone. If you have a local supply why bother? Will read tomorrow...right now...must crash...diolch
Brian Stephen John
06/09/11 09:43:11AM @brian-stephen-john:
Ah -- the picture has suddenly appeared! The Welsh broadband system triumphs again -- ever so slowly...
Brian Stephen John
06/09/11 09:34:49AM @brian-stephen-john:

The whole blog (several hundred posts by now) builds up an irresistible case! Lots of info on glaciation, glacial history, and on the defects of the "human transport" theory. You can also have a look at this YouTube video:

By the way, I think the picture problem may be down to the flaky broadband connection here in rural west Wales.....

Ceri Shaw
06/09/11 09:28:48AM @ceri-shaw:
If the platform continues to misbehave please send pic to and I will wrestle it into submission. Let me know what text needs to be included.
Ceri Shaw
06/09/11 09:14:49AM @ceri-shaw:
Can you give us the link for the particular post in which you argue your case?
Brian Stephen John
06/09/11 09:10:55AM @brian-stephen-john:
Thanks Ceri -- tried to put a picture on, but the system refused to cooperate. Is there a trick I need to know?