Brendan Gerad O'Brien


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Remembrance Service

user image 2012-11-09
By: Brendan Gerad O'Brien
Posted in:

RNA visit to St Andrews Junior School Service of Remembrance

Sometimes we tend to dismiss the children of today as being so preoccupied with playing computer games and watching TV, theyre totally oblivious to routine events that are occurring all around them.

But this morning the children of St Andrews showed how wrong that assumption can be as they welcomed numerous ex-members from all the branches of the Armed Services to their Service of Remembrance.

I have to say we felt very humbled and extremely proud as we entered the hall and saw the children all standing to attention, their faces glowing with awe and respect for us Old Soldiers and Sailors who came to spend an hour with them.

Acting Head Teacher Mrs Lesley James made the introductory comments before the children sang I Vow To Thee My Country and The Remembrance Said so beautifully there were a few discreet dabs of the hanky to moist eyes by both teachers and visitors.

The crisp, clear tones of Last Post preceded a dignified minutes silence, followed by a touching Reveille.

The children then sang Blowing In The Wind.

This was followed by the beautifully written poem Alls Quiet , read with amazing authority by Jacob Marsh. Even the Right Worshipful Mayor of Newport Councillor John Guy was seen to slip a tissue from his robes and give a discreet blow of his nose.

We were then invited to lay wreaths around a tree outside in the yard, and again the children performed their duty with dignity and respect.

Afterwards we all gathered for a welcome cup of tea and a selection of biscuits in the Staff Room (is it still called that?) and spun our old salty tales to the children, who gave a good impression of believing some of them.

One young lad - Im sorry I didnt catch his name - brought in some wonderful mementos from his grandfathers time in the Army and his face beamed with pride as he showed them to us, handling them with enormous tenderness and respect.

So, on behalf of Newport RNA and all who were invited to this wonderful day, a heartfelt thank you to the Acting Head, all the teachers who worked so hard to make this day special, and especially the children.

God Bless you all.

Ceri Shaw
11/09/12 09:32:59PM @ceri-shaw:

Diolch for posting Brendan