Alabama Welsh Society


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Alabama Welsh Society - Croeso!

By Janice, 2016-02-01

The Alabama Welsh Society would like to add to the Celtic legacy of the South and Alabama by bringing a Welsh presence to the public.  Alabama is home to an untold number of Welsh descendants who are invited to make their voices heard.  Most southerners know of their families Celtic ancestry if it is Irish or Scottish.  However,many are unaware that their family name is Welsh.  Surnames such as: Adams, Allen, Bowen, Brown, Cole, Davis, Edwards, Gibbs, Harris, James, Jones, Morgan, Lloyd, Roberts, James, Owens, Price, Reece, Thomas, Wynn, and Williams had their origins in ancient Wales.  If you or someone you know is a descendant of Wales or if you have an interest in "all things Welsh", we invite you to join us today! 

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