Romans In Wales

David John Jones
03/22/14 10:33:45AM

Wikipedia is not quit complete? I think its worth identifying our Celtic British Nation before we consider the Romans in Britain and they put us through.

To put human development into perspective, consider British finds of Boxgrove Man excavated in Sussex, dated at 500,000 BC, and the cave burial of the Red Man in Paviland South Wales dated 30,000 BC. These people must have been the earliest of intelligent British people residing at this most front line northwest location who are the first to have existed and settled in the British lands; independent of any other races of lower latitudes.

Understandably in the beginning, people would have developed firstly on the outer fringes of the land plates, millions of years after Africa of which was the no life magma-centre. Logically it would have taken many thousand perhaps millions of years for the white skinned Britons to have existed that colour or to have developed to become light skinned; and this must have been before any people who subsequently came out of Africa, because those people remain dark skinned.

I say the latter because: - The original indigenous British Nation (Britan or Britanishan) could also possibly have colonized the Americas BC. The Britons evidently surveyed the astral system for eons; to found a basic formula they used for measurement, time and surveying, and also developed the sciences of mining and metallurgy, navigation and boat building etc. Many Britons have bloodlines that extend into the past that lay claim to being true Britons. The recent names the Saxons labelled the Britons, such as Cornish, Irish, Manx, Scots and Welsh are all certainly original Britons of the Britons original regions such as the (Welsh) Silurians; as well as some Scandinavians, Americans, Australians and New Zealanders could also be of true British decent. I would suggest that the Britons had developed their own type of Celtic culture from early times, which migrated into Europe, as I evidence in my book.

When the Romans invaded, the British nation was well established, and when Caesar landed in 55 BC, they came they saw and they fled.

In 54 BC a second Roman campaign was launched; about a thousand ships relayed at least five legions, which were unable to penetrate more than 70 miles inland. The Roman had to settle a treaty at St Albans, so apparently the Romans were again defeated and pardoned.

The Romans again invaded in 42 AD, and a Roman deception of their times in Britain have lasted for at least 2,000 years. I identify all this in more detail in my book called FOOTPRINTS IN THE STONE.

Iechyd da, David